As a junior IT professional, I am eager to apply my skills and knowledge to contribute to a team focused on developing and implementing innovative solutions. With a solid foundation in programming languages such as Python and JavaScript, I am excited to learn and expand my skillset in other areas such as data science, machine learning and deep learning. Additionally, I am a quick learner with strong problem-solving skills, able to work collaboratively with colleagues to troubleshoot issues and develop solutions. My enthusiasm and dedication to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and good practices make me a valuable addition to any team.

Bachelor Degree in Sciences

2016 to 2018 at 'Exact Sciences Vocational Preuniversitary High School of Havana', Cuba

Telecomunications Engineering Degree

2021 to 2022 at 'Technological University of Havana CUJAE', Cuba

Telecomunications Engineering Degree

Since 2023 at 'Carlos III University of Madrid', Spain


Google Cloud Training

From March 2024 at Google Cloud Platform

I've been selected to participate in a Google Cloud training, where I will learn about the Google Cloud Platform and its services. I will also learn about the best practices for developing, deploying and maintaining applications in the cloud. This training will help me to expand my knowledge and skills in cloud computing and prepare me setting up a cloud ready infrastructure for my future projects.

Account Manager and Customer Service Representative

From March, 2023 to January, 2024 at Abbylop Travels, Madrid, Spain

Because of my engineering student background and abilities with math and code, I've got a part-time job into a travel agency. There, I keep track of the accounts, as well as automate processes and make the team's work more efficient. Here, I've also got experience by interacting every day with clients and helping them to get the best experience. I’ve developed skills like:

• Team work

• Leadership

• Communication Skills

• Proactivity

• Business understanding

Geospatial Tracking System Project

From April, 2022 to December, 2022 at Technological University of Havana CUJAE, Cuba

I was recruited by the programming department of the university to work on a national project. The project was about creating a scalable and high performance system, distributed all over the country, to keep track of search and rescue services in critical situations. I had to abandon the project in the middle because I was awarded an international scholarship, but I developed skills working with:

• Kubernetes

• Docker

• Valhalla Routing Engine

• Python

• Nginx

• Linux Server Administration.

Internship: Backend Developing and DevOps training

From April, 2022 to August, 2022 at Avangenio Software Solutions, Havana, Cuba

Avangenio is a privately held company that offered me an internship due to my skills, demonstrated in work done for the university. There I was assigned a tutor who instructed me in depth about:

• Linux server administration

• Service administration

• Scripting

• Network management

• Backend Development

• IT Security best practices

CLEIN platform for live conferences

From November, 2021 to January, 2022 at Technological University of Havana CUJAE, Havana, Cuba

I was recruited to develop a private live event broadcasting platform for a mexican university in collaboration with the Technological University of Havana. I worked as a backend developer in a multidisciplinary team, with new technologies for me, such as:

• Node Js

• Express

• Docker

• Mongo DB


Python Backend Developer

From October, 2021 to January, 2022 at Just Ship, Havana, Cuba

JustShip was a startup where I worked as a python backend developer with a great team that taught me a lot. There, I learned and applied good practices about project structuring, teamwork and use of technologies. We used:

• Python

• Django

• Docker

• PostgreSQL


• GraphQL

• Celery

Other achievements
Licenses & certifications
Stronger Skills
  • Python
  • Django
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Celery
  • NodeJs
  • ExpressJs
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Pandas
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Traefik
  • Linux Server Administration
  • GraphQL APIs
  • GIT